• A Johnnie Walker Blue Label Lunar New Year Limited Edition Year of the Snake bottle with a decorative box. The box features intricate blue, white, and gold artwork, including a stylized snake and floral patterns.
  • A blue bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label Year Of The Snake Scotch Whisky with artistic designs featuring blue flowers and a leaping figure. The label reads Johnnie Walker Blue Label and James Jean.
  • A tall Blue Label Limited Edition Year of the Snake bottle with a gold cap features intricate designs of blue flowers and a colorful snake. The bottle is sleek, with a mix of abstract and floral patterns in vibrant colors.
  • A Blue Label Lunar Year of the Snake with a vibrant, artistic design of a snake entwined with flowers. The bottle has a gold cap and features icons indicating recycling and warnings at the bottom.
  • A colorful Johnnie Walker Blue Label Year of the Snake box featuring vibrant artwork by James Jean. The design includes an intricate, stylized snake surrounded by blue flowers and ornate patterns on a dark background.
  • A vibrant and ornate packaging design for Johnnie Walker Blue Label Year of the Snake, featuring blue floral patterns and intricate illustrations. The text details the product description and highlights, set against a dark background.

Johnnie Walker 藍牌蛇年限定瓶

Johnnie Walker 藍牌蛇年限定瓶,由好萊塢插畫鬼才James Jean 設計。

75cl 46%

Two bottles of Blue Label whiskey are on a table. One has a decorative design on a dark blue label, while the other has a classic gold label. The background features warm, blurred lights and a cozy indoor setting.


James 的設計靈感來自於 Johnnie Walker 首席調和大師 Emma Walker 與她的團隊為 Johnnie Walker 藍牌打造出的層層美妙風味 。這款威士忌使用的是 Johnnie Walker

無與倫比的豐富蘇格蘭威士忌酒藏,包括來自早已關閉、無法複製的「幽靈酒廠」珍稀酒液。限量發行,極其珍稀,JOHNNIE WALKER藍牌蛇年限定版無論送禮或珍藏,都將是最意義非凡的祝福。

A bottle of Blue Label Year of the Snake whiskey with a decorative box featuring colorful artwork sits on a table. Two glasses filled with whiskey are nearby, along with an open cork. Warm, blurred lights create a cozy atmosphere in the background.

「我描繪了蛇蛻皮的形象,代表著生生不息的概念。三條蛇象徵著智慧、聰明和直覺,同時也代表著過去、現在和未來。蛇總是不斷地成長、蛻變,適應著不斷變化的環境。」 James 出生於台北,在紐澤西州長大,曾就讀於紐約視覺藝術學院(School of Visual Arts in New York)。他說:「在設計 Johnnie Walker 藍牌農曆新年特別版時,我們希望創造出一條與眾不同、新穎別緻的蛇 ── 既尊重過往,又能樂觀地展望未來,就像 Johnnie Walker 透過 Keep Walking 精神不斷追求進步一樣。」




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2025 蛇年限定瓶

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