A tall glass filled with a red drink, topped with ice cubes, a slice of lemon and blackberries, on a dark purple background.

The Black Ruby Collins

An easy to make, but hard to forget dark berried twist on a Whisky Highball. Allowing the sweetness from blackberries to lift the deep fruity notes of Johnnie Walker Black Ruby.

Mix Your Own


  • 1tsp blackberry jam

  • 15ml lemon juice (half a lemon)

  • 120ml soda water

  • Garnish: blackberry and lemon wedge

What You Need

  • Highball glass

  • Cocktail shaker


  • Add the Johnnie Walker Black Ruby, blackberry jam and lemon juice into a cocktail shaker and shake hard for 8 seconds with cubed ice.

  • Double strain into a highball glass over fresh cubed ice, and top up with chilled soda water. Gently stir.

  • Garnish with a blackberry and a lemon wedge.

35ml Johnnie Walker Black Ruby


The essentials

If you liked the Black Ruby Collins

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