A clear glass of Black Ruby Negroni with a large ice cube sits on a dark, glossy surface. A cherry garnishes the drink. The background is a deep magenta colour, creating a rich and elegant atmosphere.

The Black Ruby Negroni

One of the most popular classic cocktails, now with a vibrant new energy gifted by Johnnie Walker Black Ruby. The bold berry notes of Black Ruby work harmoniously with the bittersweet profile of this whisky Negroni twist.

Mix Your Own


  • 30ml red Italian bitters

  • 15ml sweet vermouth

  • 15ml Creme de Mure

  • Garnish: 2 skewered berries

What You Need

  • Mixing glass

  • Tumbler glass


  • Add all ingredients to a mixing glass, fill with cubed ice and stir for 10-15 seconds until chilled.

  • Strain into a tumbler glass over cubed ice.

  • Garnish with two skewered berries.

30ml Johnnie Walker Black Ruby


The essentials

If You Like The Black Ruby Negroni

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