• Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ice Chalet bottle of whisky with a matching, padded, dark blue carrier featuring gold lettering and logos. The bottle has a blue label with gold text and accents.
  • Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ice Chalet bottle.  A blue bottle with a label reading Blue Label featuring gold and white accents. The bottle has a distinct square shape and tapered neck. johnnie Walker Blue Label Ice Chalet Front
  • Johnnie Walker. A tall, elegant blue bottle of whiskey with a label featuring the name Blue Label Blue Label Ice Chalet Scotch whisky. The bottle has a square, angular design and a smooth, sleek finish, set against a plain black background.
  • A bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ice Chalet. A blue bottle with a uniquely shaped design featuring large white stars and abstract patterns. The bottle has a dark cap with faint text on it, set against a black background.
  • Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ice Chalet Bottle Cover. A blue quilted bag with a unique, elongated shape and a sporty pattern features white star accents. It has a matching blue strap with Perfect Moment printed on it and a visible zipper down the front.

Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ice Chalet Limited Edition

A unique blend inspired by alpine landscapes and the coldest winters of Scotland encased in a stylish bag, which becomes a crossbody accessory once the bottle is removed.

750ml 43%

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Snow-capped mountain landscape and dotted with trees The picture has a light blue tone. Create a peaceful winter atmosphere Fog obscures some details Make the scene look mysterious.
A person in a dark coat and hat holds up a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ice Chalet against a snowy mountain backdrop. A glass with whiskey and an ice cube sits on the snow in the foreground.


Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ice Chalet is best served ultra cold, allowing the whisky to become a richer viscosity whilst amplifying the inherent soft malt character. Pour over a block of peaked ice in a bespoke Ice Chalet glass for the perfect serve.



Dr Emma Walker with short hair, wearing a dark green blouse, stands against a grey background. She is looking to the side with hands gently clasped in front of them.

"Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ice Chalet brings the flavours of Alpine winters and the warmth of a sweet, smouldering fire to Johnnie Walker Blue Label's signature depth of flavour. We wanted to capture the flavours of vanilla, cloves, spiced apples and gentle smoke - creating a velvety smooth Scotch perfect for marking special moments on the slopes. With only 1 in 10,000 casks meeting our standards for Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ice Chalet, this is a truly special whisky, which, for me, captures the energy and magic of the aprés-ski moment."


Johnnie Walker’s Master Blender

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